Grazing Tools


AIMS Pasture Checklist

This 12-step checklist details the approach to complete a rapid assessment of pasture performance and health. A complete guide to field assessment and calculation of key performance indicators. There are three versions of the Checklist specifically tailored to pasture types within each region:

Pasture Checklist Calculator

This EXCEL© spreadsheet calculates pasture growth rate, water use efficiency, pasture utilisation, stocking rate and feed budgets. Tables of dry sheep equivalent (DSE) values are provided for sheep and cattle. This tool is a companion to the Pasture Checklist.

Grazing Plan Calculator

This EXCEL© spreadsheet calculates a grazing plan to guide how long and often paddocks are grazed.

Guide to Using the Grazing Plan Calculator

Provides step by step instructions through the process of using the Grazing plan calculator.

Record of Grazing Events

This booklet allows you to keep a record of grazing events and easily update your grazing plan on the graze plan calculator. Instruction is provided for estimation of herbage mass and calculation of a feed budget. Tables of DSE values are also provided.