


​Agricultural Information & Monitoring Services (AIMS) provides evidence based consultancy to graziers to improve the profitability and health is grazing businesses.  AIMS works with the concept of understanding agricultural ecosystems and relies on sound underlying principles rather than particular recipes.  Material presented at training courses, workshops or field days can be customised to meet your needs.

AIMS has worked with government agencies, natural resource management groups, grazier groups and individual graziers across all regions, in all states of Australia as well as India, Spain and the USA. 

More specifically AIMS provides
  • project management for government agencies (e.g. local land services) and producer groups
  • consultancy services to graziers to design grazing plans, programs to restore soil health, animal feeding plans and property plans
  • training and education to graziers and land managers.  For example the 3-day Pasture & Grazing Management Workshop currently has in excess of 1,000 graduates
  • advice to graziers and grazier groups on measurement and benchmarking of the key indicators of pasture performance such as pasture growth rate, water use efficiency and utilisation
Other services include
  • conduct of field-based scientific research on issues related to pasture and grazing management
  • conduct of vegetation surveys including local and regional biodiversity estimates and targeted surveys of specific species as well as on farm surveys for landholders
  • facilitation of farmer focus groups to evaluate the response of pasture growth rate, animal performance and stocking rate to optimise production, soil health and chemical fertility


The consultancy service starts with pasture assessment evaluating the current condition of your pastures and take advantage of knowing how to get the best from your pastures and animals.  All advice considers the client’s individual context and goals.  The focus is on using natural processes to regenerate land condition and optimise production.

AIMS specialises in all elements of pasture and grazing management, including native and introduced pasture growth and production, soil health and fertility and animal nutrition.

Usually involving an inspection of your land, livestock and resources, online or phone consultations are also available.  If you’re looking for assistance in making the change to a more regenerative approach to grazing, drought management strategies, developing a grazing or land plan or support with any aspect of your pasture or grazing management AIMS can help.

Training Courses

Click Here for More Details

Monitoring and Surveys

Depending on your requirements, the focus of the monitoring program can include assessment of pasture growth and production, species diversity or any other aspect of pasture health.  A customised monitoring program can be designed to meet your needs or we can support you in using the tools available on this site to design and implement your own monitoring program

AIMS has extensive experience conducting large scale regional vegetation surveys such as Moree Plains grasslands, Culgoa National Park and TSRs as well as individual farm or paddock surveys.  Specialising in identification and assessment of grassland species and land condition, surveys targeting individual species are also conducted.

Buying a Property

If you are considering purchasing a rural property AIMS can evaluate the land you are looking at buying to assess the productive potential of the land for any particular land use.  The process considers your goals, soils, topography, climate, current vegetation and potential pasture production.  Assessment can be provided to determine the suitability of the land to meet your desired animal production goals.